Without child care, San Francisco doesn’t work
Child care providers are essential. They risk everything to care for our children so that San Francisco can get back to work. Please click a header below to learn about how you and your colleagues can join us in the fight for our city’s recovery. Let’s do this!
Your gift will help us lift up our child care infrastructure. Learn more:

Click below to learn about how you and your colleagues can join us in the fight for our city’s recovery.
What can business leaders do to support child care?

- Make a personal gift or engage your company to make a corporate donation to Children’s Council. We have a NEW Annual Corporate Sponsorship opportunity that many of our supporters are participating in. Please contact our Chief Advancement Officer to connect and learn more.
- Partner with Children’s Council to help create worker-friendly child care practices and policies for your company. Contact our partnerships team to learn how Children’s Council can help you develop child care solutions for your employees, or visit our For Employers page for resources.
- Bring the latest child care guidance to your employees in the rapidly changing COVID-19 context with our new virtual workshop series. Visit our For Employers page for workshop details, and then contact us to set one up.
- Amplify this campaign. Scroll through all our campaign content on your favorite social media platform, then Like/Share our posts to help us get the word out! Visit these social pages and Like and Share away!
- Children’s Council on Facebook
- Children’s Council on Instagram
- Children’s Council on Twitter
- Children’s Council on LinkedIn
- Co-branded assets are also available. Contact us for more information.
Why does child care matter to business?

San Francisco is an economic and technological powerhouse. Without proper child care, our city will suffer. Employers need workers and workers need child care. Without it, workers can’t be productive—costing businesses billions of dollars.
In a collaborative effort with The Berkeley Group, we published a white paper outlining the many economic challenges presented by lack of accessible care. Read the highlights of the report here.
Please contact our Chief Advancement Officer to connect and learn more about how you can help us reach more business leaders.
What kinds of policies should businesses support?

We need big and small businesses alike to support public investment in our child care infrastructure while also advocating for universal public child care.
Join in the fight for child care! Our advocacy coalition, including our Women’s Leadership Business Council, works with civic leaders to ensure that early education is a priority at the local, state and national level.
Sign up for our Advocacy Email List and we’ll make it easy for you to contact your elected officials and urge them to support critical child care initiatives. Contact our Director of Policy Communications to be a part of this exciting work.