Nonprofit Annual Economic Statement


Organization Name: Children’s Council of San Francisco

Our fiscal year: July – June

Our EIN: 94-2221305

Annual Economic Statement

City Reporting Period: Organizations that received $100,000 from the City and County of San Francisco during are required to report the following information publicly.

  1. Name of the CEO or employee who has daily managerial responsibilities
  2. Names of officers and directors, click through for external board service information
  3. Total budget and expenditures, and a program-by-program description of all monies expended or budgeted during calendar or fiscal year
    • See Public Inspection Documents below
  4. Letter from the IRS showing your valid nonprofit status
  5. Most recent federal tax return filed under Section 990
    • See Public Inspection Documents below
  6. Verification of current valid registration with the State of California’s Registry of Charitable Trusts
  7. Audited financial statements
    • See Public Inspection Documents below