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Family Event: Caregiver & Child Developmental Playgroups 20250211

Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Children & their caregivers are invited to our free playgroups for children ages 0-3 who have a mild to moderate disability or delay.To participate in our weekly playgroups, please sign up here: Eventbrite registration is not required: Playgroups are currently facilitated in English. All English language learners are welcome!Choose one of the following playgroup […]


早期教育工作坊:家庭托兒基礎系列2.0 (粵語) 20250304

在這個六部分系列課程中,我們將討論兒童發展主題,並回顧幫助您建立財務穩定業務的策略。工作坊已轉為線上Zoom形式。參與者將通過簡訊或電子郵件獲得進入線上內容的資訊,並在需要時將材料郵寄到您的地址。更新資訊將通過簡訊發送給參與者。透過我們的六部分工作坊系列,提升您的托兒計劃,涵蓋社交情感發展、對特殊需求兒童的支持、文化理解、數字化營銷,及提高收入的策略。加入我們,獲得實用的工具和見解,創建一個有利於兒童茁壯成長的培育環境。支持社交情感發展: 3月4日和3月11日,週二,晚上6點至9點這是分為兩部分的工作坊。請計劃參加3月4日和3月11日的課程。在這個互動性工作坊中,學習如何理解和支持您所照顧的兒童的社交情感發展。一個孩子的社交情感發展塑造了他們的自我認識,影響他們的學習方式,並促進有意義的人際關係。它驅動溝通、聯繫和衝突解決,建立達成目標所需的信心和韌性。童年時期的強大社交情感基礎為終生的快樂以及作為成年人應對壓力和挑戰奠定了基礎。在這個兩部分的工作坊系列中,早期教育工作者將探索:幫助孩子理解他們的情感支持孩子的情感成長促進社交情感發展管理成人覺得具有挑戰性的行為有效行為管理的策略配備實用工具,培養年幼兒童的情商和積極行為。對特殊需求兒童的支持: 3月18日,週二,晚上6點至9點這個有趣且具啟發性的工作坊,旨在幫助托兒提供者和家長支持有殘疾和特殊需求的兒童。我們將討論關鍵主題,包括殘疾的定義、ADA要求、評估和診斷,以及支持資源。了解法律保護和合規義務。參與討論,分享您的經驗,並獲得有關提供包容性和有效護理的寶貴見解。這是提升您的知識並確保每個孩子都能獲得所需支持的機會。培養包容性學習空間: 3月25日,晚上6點至9點在年幼時,孩子們開始注意到周圍人們的差異。儘管孩子們無法完全處理或理解這些差異,但他們會注意到皮膚顏色、面部特徵和語言的不同。在這個反思性和互動性工作坊中,參與者將探索文化、自己的社會身份,並建立策略來支持孩子以及他們對種族、文化和身份差異的理解。數字化營銷:建立您的線上形象: 4月1日,週二,晚上6點至9點在您的行銷計劃中邁出下一步,學習如何將您的業務上線,讓更多家庭能夠找到您和您的服務。在這個工作坊中,我們將探討如何利用線上平台提高業務的曝光率,同時幫助您確定合適的起點。我們還將為各種平台準備您的內容,讓您擁有成功所需的工具。提高收入的策略: 4月8日,晚上6點至9點學習如何在您的托兒業務中賺取更多收入。這個工作坊將教您如何提高價格、設置帶薪休假及其他提升收入的機會,同時繼續做您喜愛的工作。


如何使用Early Learning For All App. Portal 托兒系統培訓 2025年3月4日晚上6:30-8:00

Early Learning For All Application Portal: 如何使用Early Learning For All App. Portal的托兒系統培訓三藩市幼兒部 (DEC) 很高興地宣布推出 Early Learning For All Application Portal! 這個全民早期學習應用程式入門系統將提供更好的數據和匹配服務,以便將家庭聯繫到高質素的兒童教育服務。參與早期教育獎學金計劃 的托兒者必須使用 這個全民早期學習應用程式入門系統來填補資助學位空缺。Title 5 中心也可使用該系統。通過這次培訓,托兒者將全面了解系統概述,學習如何報告學位空缺和與家庭的聯繫。我們鼓勵所有參與者在此培訓中報告您的資助學位空缺。請準備您的學位空缺信息,例如時間表、年齡範圍和開始日期等。需預約!如需報名參加本培訓,請聯絡服務台:電話:415-343-4669電子郵件:support@childrenscouncil.org兒童委員會(Children’s Council of SF) 的服務台是由三藩市幼兒部(DEC) 資助,以支持早期教育獎學金計劃 。注意:如果培訓被取消或需要重新安排,我們將透過我們的電子郵件地址 發送電子郵件通知所有人。


Family Event: Wednesday Playgroup 202502-06

Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Playgroup for children, parents & caregivers, fun activities, build young brains + resources + ideas for home. MAX Capacity: 20 adults/kidsPlease join us at Children's Council, in room 120 @ 10:30-11:30 AM for Playgroup to engage in activities to support connection and communication, including resources and ideas you can use at home. Designed for children […]


Early Ed. Workshop: Early Learning For All App. Portal (SPN)3/5/2025

Early Learning SF: Entrenamiento para Programas de Cuidado Infantil ¡San Francisco Department of Early Childhood (DEC) se complace enEarly Learning For All Application Portal: Entrenamiento para Programas de Cuidado Infantil¡San Francisco Department of Early Childhood (DEC) se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento del sitio de acceso llamado Early Learning For All Application Portal!Early Learning For […]


Family Event: Caregiver & Child Developmental Playgroups 20250211

Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Children & their caregivers are invited to our free playgroups for children ages 0-3 who have a mild to moderate disability or delay.To participate in our weekly playgroups, please sign up here: Eventbrite registration is not required: Playgroups are currently facilitated in English. All English language learners are welcome!Choose one of the following playgroup […]


Family/Educator Workshop: CPR & Pediatric First Aid (English) 20251101

Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

At the completion of this one day course from 9am-5pm, you will receive your certification from the Health & Safety Institute (HSI).This pediatric CPR and First Aid class will grant you certification from the Health & Safety Institute (HSI), which is an approved affiliate training program by the California EMS Authority (EMSA).This class is a […]

Family Event: Caregiver & Child Developmental Playgroups 20250211

Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Children & their caregivers are invited to our free playgroups for children ages 0-3 who have a mild to moderate disability or delay.To participate in our weekly playgroups, please sign up here: Eventbrite registration is not required: Playgroups are currently facilitated in English. All English language learners are welcome!Choose one of the following playgroup […]


Taller para Educadores: Salud y Seguridad Preventiva (Spanish) 20251301

Este curso cumple con el requisito de Salud y Seguridad Preventiva (8 horas) para Community Care Licensing.Este curso de Salud y Seguridad Preventiva (8 horas) es un programa de entrenamiento afiliado y aprobado por la Autoridad de Servicios Médicos de Emergencia (Emergency Medical Services-EMSA) para cumplir con el requisto de Community Care Licensing. Al completar […]

Family Event: Caregiver & Child Developmental Playgroups 20250211

Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Children & their caregivers are invited to our free playgroups for children ages 0-3 who have a mild to moderate disability or delay.To participate in our weekly playgroups, please sign up here: Eventbrite registration is not required: Playgroups are currently facilitated in English. All English language learners are welcome!Choose one of the following playgroup […]


Early Educator Workshop: CA Workforce Registry (ESPAÑOL) 3/12/2025

Aprenda a usar el Registro del Personal de Cuidado y Educación Temprana de California para rastrear los logros de educación, entrenamientosAprenda a usar el Registro del Personal de Cuidado y Educación Temprana de California para rastrear los logros de educación, entrenamientos y experiencia para su programa de educación temprana. Este taller cubrirá cómo crear una […]


Early Ed. Workshop: Early Learning For All App. Portal 03/13/2025

Early Learning For All Application Portal: Training for Child Care Programs The San Francisco Department of Early Care (DEC)Early Learning For All Application Portal: Training for Child Care ProgramsThe San Francisco Department of Early Childcare (DEC) is excited to announce the Early Learning For All Application Portal! Early Learning For All Application Portal is a […]
