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Early Educator Workshop: CA Workforce Registry 20230824

Learn how to use the CA Early Care and Education Workforce Registry  to track training and education accomplishments for your early educatioLearn how to use the CA Early Care and Education Workforce Registry  to track training and education accomplishments for your early education program. This workshop will cover how to create a Registry account, how […]


Family Event: Tuesday Playgroup Virtual 202301-12

Baby Sign Language Virtual Playgroup, the last Tuesday of the month at 10:30am, a learning event for the whole family!Please tune in at 10:30am for our Baby Sign Language Playgroup a fun, virtual, American Sign Language session for all! Each month Happy Baby Signs will lead engaging activities to support connection and communication, including resources […]


Family Event: Tuesday Playgroup in Dolores Park 202301-12

Mission Dolores Park 19th Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Join us for in-person Playgroup in Mission Dolores Park, Tuesdays at 10:45 AM for a truly special event for the whole family!Join our Tuesday Playgroup in Dolores Park at 10:45 AM! Each week child development experts lead engaging activities to build young brains, including resources and ideas you can use at home. Designed for 0-6 […]


Early Educator Workshop: CA Registry (加州早期教育工作人員註冊系統)2023年8月29日晚上6:30-8:00

了解如何使用CA Early Care和Education Workforce Registry (加州早期幼兒教育工作人員註冊系統)來跟踪您早期教育計劃中的培訓和教育成就。 本培訓將介紹如何創建註冊系統帳戶,如何上傳文件以及如何登記培訓。了解如何使用CA Early Care和Education Workforce Registry (加州早期幼兒教育工作人員註冊系統)來跟踪您早期教育計劃中的培訓和教育成就。 本培訓將介紹如何創建註冊系統帳戶,如何上傳文件以及如何登記培訓。   請致電諮詢台 415-343-4669 預約您的培訓時間! 此三藩市兒童委員會(Children’s Council of SF) 的諮詢台是由三藩市早期幼兒教育辦公室(OECE) 資助,以支持早期教育獎學金計劃(ELS) 。


Family Event: New and Expecting Moms Group 202301-12

Join us every Thursday online for a mommy-baby support group that welcomes all mothers!PLEASE NOTE: New and Expecting Moms Group is virtual, all moms welcome.Tune in at 11am for a supportive relationship building session.This group will support new and expecting mommies through group discussion, peer-to-peer learning and activities. We’ll build new relationships and support communication […]


Family Event: Parent Cafe 202301-12

Join us once a month online to connect with fellow parents - discuss and destress!Parent Café is virtual, all families welcome.Build supportive relationships with other families while learning how to better manage the stress of parenting. Enjoy engaging with your peers and our child development experts. Please RSVP for adults and children separately.


Family Event: Tuesday Playgroup in Dolores Park 202301-12

Mission Dolores Park 19th Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Join us for in-person Playgroup in Mission Dolores Park, Tuesdays at 10:45 AM for a truly special event for the whole family!Join our Tuesday Playgroup in Dolores Park at 10:45 AM! Each week child development experts lead engaging activities to build young brains, including resources and ideas you can use at home. Designed for 0-6 […]


早期教育工作者講座:FCC基本系列 20230905

由於對圍繞公共健康的關注,講習會已轉為用網上視頻進行的格式。有關資料將以電郵或短信方式發給你。由於對圍繞公共健康的關注,講習會已轉為用網上視頻進行的格式。接進在線內容的資料將以短信或電郵方式發給參與者,而有關材料則寄將到你的地址。如在系列結束之前可許小組集合,我們有可能回到親身出席的格式。最新消息將會以短信發給參與者。和家庭托兒基本系列建立你的無法停止的商業。我們八個會議的系列,將為你提供一個牢固的基礎開始和經營一個成功與專業的家庭托兒商業。設計你的獨特計劃 September 5th, 6pm-8:30pm將你的商業意念付諸實踐。探索利用獨特的能力和興趣的方法,以及創設一個計劃,滿足自己並能吸引家庭。學習識別你客戶的需要,和找出你最能服務的對象。在講習會之後,你將為你的核心計劃提供什麼以及如何可以在市場突出計劃配備策略。活動和課程設計 September 12th, 6pm-8:30pm先從你商業的核心元素開始計劃:每天的活動和每周課程的計劃。知道如何設計活動以支持兒童的整體發展,同時支持你的獨特計劃意念。建立你喜歡教和兒童喜歡學的課程計劃創設你的最佳環境 September 19th, 6pm-8:30pm擁抱你的創意和設計你最好的空間。計劃一個支援兒童的社交、情緒和認知學習以及你個人健康的環境。學習如何使用顏色,照明和空間放鬆或充電。試設計不同的活動空間,並識別哪一個最能符合你計劃的課程。推廣你的商業 October 3rd, 6pm-8:30pm有什麼令你的托兒商業與眾不同?你知道你計劃的特別之處是什麼-現在你可以和家庭及你的社區分享那信息!學習市場推廣的主要基本,和創設市場計劃的架構。題目包括長期滿額的計劃、制定廣告的信息、以及發展你的對象推廣對象的策略。合約和政策 October 10th, 6pm-8:30pm開始通過你的合約和家長手冊,和家庭建立信任,清楚和正面的溝通。和客戶建立專業關係,制定一份對家庭清楚的合約。編製一本家長手冊,支持你的商業和你服務的客戶。從學習集中於福利的語言,讓家庭知道你如何營運你的計劃和為什麼,與家庭設定一個正面的溝通。和家庭溝通 October 17th, 6pm-8:30pm有效的溝通建立理解和信任。學習在招生時和其他時間,和家庭溝通的最佳實踐。為你的計劃創設一個家庭溝通和參與計劃,並學習有關應付挑戰性的交談,法律規定以及如何保護你的商業。商業財政 October 24th, 6pm-8:30pm你是否能準確的估計你商業的費用嗎?學習做此估計和更多。制定一個你的商業的預算。對你需要保持收支平衡所需的學生人數,以及你開始賺得利潤時對財務模式有一個更好的理解。設定公平和有利可圖的價格,以及更明白你的財務情況,因而你可以做更好的商業決定。準備商業稅 October 31st, 6pm-8:30pm不要猝不及防-找出和制定你保持紀錄的最好方法。學習你可以從你的商業收入扣減什麼,以及如何計算你的時間/空間的使用。探索特別的題目例如食物費用,和選擇追蹤的方法。


Family Event: New and Expecting Moms Group 202301-12

Join us every Thursday online for a mommy-baby support group that welcomes all mothers!PLEASE NOTE: New and Expecting Moms Group is virtual, all moms welcome.Tune in at 11am for a supportive relationship building session.This group will support new and expecting mommies through group discussion, peer-to-peer learning and activities. We’ll build new relationships and support communication […]


Taller para Educadores: Salud y Seguridad Preventiva (Español) 20230410

Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Este curso cumple con el requisito de Salud y Seguridad Preventiva (8 horas) para Community Care Licensing.Este curso de Salud y Seguridad Preventiva (8 horas) es un programa de entrenamiento afiliado y aprobado por la Autoridad de Servicios Médicos de Emergencia (Emergency Medical Services-EMSA) para cumplir con el requisto de Community Care Licensing. Al completar […]

Family Event: Tuesday Playgroup in Dolores Park 202301-12

Mission Dolores Park 19th Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Join us for in-person Playgroup in Mission Dolores Park, Tuesdays at 10:45 AM for a truly special event for the whole family!Join our Tuesday Playgroup in Dolores Park at 10:45 AM! Each week child development experts lead engaging activities to build young brains, including resources and ideas you can use at home. Designed for 0-6 […]


Early Educator Workshop:如何使用全新的Early Learning SF托兒系統 2023年9月12日晚上6:30-8:00

Early Learning SF: 如何使用全新的 Early Learning SF 托兒系統培訓三藩市幼兒部 (DEC) 很高興地宣布推出 Early Learning SF! 這個系統將取代三藩市幼兒連接(SF3C)。Early Learning SF 將提供更好的數據和匹配服務,以便將家庭聯繫到高質素的兒童教育服務。參與早期教育獎學金計劃(ELS) 的托兒者必須使用 Early Learning SF 系統來填補資助學位空缺。Title 5 中心也可以使用該系統。通過這次培訓,托兒者將全面了解系統,學習如何報告學位的空缺和與家庭的聯繫。我們鼓勵所有參與者在此培訓中報告您的資助學位空缺。請準備您的學位空缺信息,例如時間表、年齡範圍和開始日期等。請致電諮詢台 415-343-4669 預約您的培訓時間.三藩市兒童委員會(Children’s Council of SF) 的諮詢台是由三藩市幼兒部(DEC) 資助,以支持早期教育獎學金計劃(ELS) 。
