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Early Educator Workshop: CA Workforce Registry 02/20/2025

Learn how to use the CA Early Care and Education Workforce Registry to track training and education accomplishments for your early educationLearn how to use the CA Early Care and Education Workforce Registry to track training and education accomplishments for your early education program. This workshop will cover how to create a Registry account, how […]


Family Event: Caregiver & Child Developmental Playgroups 20250211

Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Children & their caregivers are invited to our free playgroups for children ages 0-3 who have a mild to moderate disability or delay.To participate in our weekly playgroups, please sign up here: Eventbrite registration is not required: Playgroups are currently facilitated in English. All English language learners are welcome!Choose one of the following playgroup […]


Family/Educator Workshop: CPR & Pediatric First Aid (English) 20251101

Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

At the completion of this one day course from 9am-5pm, you will receive your certification from the Health & Safety Institute (HSI).This pediatric CPR and First Aid class will grant you certification from the Health & Safety Institute (HSI), which is an approved affiliate training program by the California EMS Authority (EMSA).This class is a […]

Family Event: Caregiver & Child Developmental Playgroups 20250211

Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Children & their caregivers are invited to our free playgroups for children ages 0-3 who have a mild to moderate disability or delay.To participate in our weekly playgroups, please sign up here: Eventbrite registration is not required: Playgroups are currently facilitated in English. All English language learners are welcome!Choose one of the following playgroup […]


Family Event: Caregiver & Child Developmental Playgroups 20250211

Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Children & their caregivers are invited to our free playgroups for children ages 0-3 who have a mild to moderate disability or delay.To participate in our weekly playgroups, please sign up here: Eventbrite registration is not required: Playgroups are currently facilitated in English. All English language learners are welcome!Choose one of the following playgroup […]


Family Event: Tuesday Playgroup Virtual 202401-202512

Baby Sign Language Virtual Playgroup, the last Tuesday of the month at 10:30am, a learning event for the whole family!Please tune in at 10:30am for our Baby Sign Language Playgroup a fun, virtual, American Sign Language session for all!On the last Tuesday of each month Happy Baby Signs will lead engaging activities to support connection […]


家庭、朋友與鄰里托兒者發展支持項目- 資訊會 – 20250226

加入我們的線上資訊講座,了解家庭、朋友與鄰里照顧者培訓途徑試點計畫!認證、津貼、支援等更多內容等著您!工作坊已轉為線上模式。參與者將透過簡訊或電子郵件獲得講座鏈接,如需相關材料,我們會將其郵寄至您的地址。相關更新將透過簡訊通知參與者。家庭、朋友和鄰居(FFN)托兒者發展支持計劃加入我們免費資訊會,了解FFN看護者途徑試點計劃!該計劃旨在支持各種看護者,例如祖母、保姆或值得信賴的鄰居,提供訓練、資源及認證,涵蓋四大途徑:健康與安全– 獲得CPR、急救和自然遊戲認證。看護之星 – 提升看護技能,並獲得UDL認證。健康與療癒 – 聚焦於創傷知情看護及自我照護。商業支持 – 開始並經營註冊的兒童看護業,獲得基礎認證。計劃優勢:專業認證參與津貼持續的支持、教練和資源


Family Friend & Neighbor Caregiver Pathway Info Session 20250226

Join our online info session to learn about the FFN Caregiver Pathways Pilot Program! Certifications, stipends & support and more!Workshops have moved to an online format. Information to access the online content will be texted or emailed to participants, and materials will be mailed to your address if needed. Updates will be texted to participants.Family […]


Familia, Amigos y Vecinos: Programa Piloto de Proveedores 20250226

¡Únase a la sesión virtual para obtener información sobre el programa piloto FFN Rutas del Proveedor de Cuidado Infantil!Los talleres se han trasladado a un formato en línea. La información para acceder al contenido en línea se enviará por mensaje de texto o correo electrónico a los participantes, y los materiales se enviarán por correo […]


Family Event: Caregiver & Child Developmental Playgroups 20250211

Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Children & their caregivers are invited to our free playgroups for children ages 0-3 who have a mild to moderate disability or delay.To participate in our weekly playgroups, please sign up here: Eventbrite registration is not required: Playgroups are currently facilitated in English. All English language learners are welcome!Choose one of the following playgroup […]



Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

完成此上午9點至下午5點的一日課程後,您將獲得健康與安全學院(HSI)頒發的認證這門兒科心肺復甦術(CPR)與急救課程將授予您由健康與安全學院(HSI)頒發的認證,該機構是加州緊急醫療服務局(EMSA)認可的附屬培訓計劃。HSI 的 MEDIC First Aid PediatricPlus 培訓課程已獲加州緊急醫療服務局(EMSA)全州範圍認可,並符合加州對托兒服務提供者的培訓要求(22 CA ADC § 100000.17)。此課程為一日課程,安排在指定日期的上午9點至下午5點舉行。您必須全程參與才能獲得認證。課程地點:445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA 94114。課堂期間不允許攜帶兒童,並且不提供托兒服務。若遇緊急情況,參加者可更改課程日期一次或在提前48小時通知的情況下申請退款。請務必使用您希望接收票券的電子郵件地址進行註冊。如需更多資訊,請發送電子郵件至, 或致電415-842-2526

Family Event: Caregiver & Child Developmental Playgroups 20250211

Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Children & their caregivers are invited to our free playgroups for children ages 0-3 who have a mild to moderate disability or delay.To participate in our weekly playgroups, please sign up here: Eventbrite registration is not required: Playgroups are currently facilitated in English. All English language learners are welcome!Choose one of the following playgroup […]