Raegan Sales

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  3. Raegan Sales
Events from this organizer

Early Educator Workshop: Mealtime Matters 20210826

A deliciously healthy meal can make all the difference for a child. Learn how to make your mealtimes matter more with Healthy Apple.Join the Healthy Apple Program for a virtual workshop to learn how to ensure a healthy mealtime in your child care program. Topics include:How to build a healthy mealStrategies for picky eatersIncorporating foods […]


Early Educator Workshop: Outdoor Education & Nature Play 20210828 (Español)

San Francisco County Fair Building 1199 9th Avenue, San Francisco, CA, United States

Taller para Educadores Tempranos: Educación al Aire Libre y Jugando en la NaturalezaÚnase a Healthy Apple (Manzana Saludable) para aprender cómo aumentar la educación al aire libre y animar a los niños a disfrutar de la naturaleza todos los días.Se invita a los educadores de cuidado infantil a unirse a Healthy Apple en un taller […]


Early Educator Workshop: Mealtime Matters 20210901

A deliciously healthy meal can make all the difference for a child. Learn how to make your mealtimes matter more with Healthy Apple.Join the Healthy Apple Program for a virtual workshop to learn how to ensure a healthy mealtime in your child care program. Topics include:How to build a healthy mealStrategies for picky eatersIncorporating foods […]


Early Educator Workshop: Maintaining Healthy Habits 20210907

Join the Healthy Apple Program to learn how to sustain healthy changes in your child care program and communicate them to parents.Child care educators are invited to join Healthy Apple to learn how to make your healthy changes stick. Topics include:Developing written standards for nutrition and physical activityUpdating your policies due to the COVID-19 pandemicEducating […]


Early Educator Workshop: Outdoor Education & Nature Play 20210911 (中文)

EcoCenter at Heron's Head Park 32 Jennings Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

早期教育研討會:戶外教育與大自然遊戲加入Healthy Apple健康蘋果,了解如何增加戶外教育並鼓勵孩子每天享受大自然。幼兒教育工作者受邀參加 Healthy Apple健康蘋果的互動研討會,以了解:戶外教育和每天與大自然接觸的重要性如何通過大自然遊戲達到 Healthy Apple健康蘋果最佳實踐戶外遊戲活動示例設置物理空間以鼓勵運動和與大自然互動的方法空位有限,健康蘋果戶外教育和大自然遊戲已參與的早期教育者將被優先考慮。請注意:本次研討會是面對面的,將在EcoCenter at Heron's Head Park地址: 32 Jennings St, San Francisco, CA 94124*這個研討會也將以英語(8 月 21 日)語和西班牙(8 月 28 日)。*部分資金由美國USDA農業部 SNAP-Ed提供,後者是機會均等的提供者和雇主。


Early Educator Workshop: Maintaining Healthy Habits 20210916

Join the Healthy Apple Program to learn how to sustain healthy changes in your child care program and communicate them to parents.Child care educators are invited to join Healthy Apple to learn how to make your healthy changes stick. Topics include:Developing written standards for nutrition and physical activityUpdating your policies due to the COVID-19 pandemicEducating […]


Early Educator Workshop: Nature & Outdoor Play Every Day 20211102 (Español)

Únase a Healthy Apple para aprender más formas de aumentar la educación al aire libre y animar a los niños a disfrutar de la naturaleza.Se invita a los educadores de cuidado infantil a unirse a Healthy Apple en un taller virtual interactivo para aprender:La importancia de la educación al aire libre y del contacto diario […]


Early Educator Workshop: Nature & Outdoor Play Every Day 20211103 (English)

Join Healthy Apple for part two on Zoom to learn more ways to increase outdoor education and encourage children to enjoy nature every day.Child care educators are invited to join Healthy Apple for an interactive virtual workshop sharing and learning about outdoor education and nature play. Topics include:Aids and barriers to going outside and interacting […]


Early Educator Workshop: Nature & Outdoor Play Every Day 20211104 (中文)

加入Healthy Apple健康蘋果,了解如何增加戶外教育並鼓勵孩子每天享受大自然。摘要:加入Healthy Apple健康蘋果,了解如何增加戶外教育其鼓勵孩子每天享受大自然。 邀論托兒教育工作者加入健康蘋果一個互動的模擬講習會,分享和學習有關戶外教育與大自然遊戲。題目包括: • 更多討論有關每天到戶外與大自然互動的幫助和障礙 • 支援大自然遊戲的資源 • 分享園藝的主意 • 分享支援大自然遊戲設備和材料的主意 重要!在出席講習會之前將有家課派給!詳情請參看你的確認電郵。 空額有限,曾參與健康蘋果戶外教育和大自然遊戲的早期教育工作者將予以優先考慮。 請注意:此培訓將通過Zoom在網上進行。請查看來自Eventbrite的Zoom登記連接之確認電郵。在你按指示登記加入Zoom講習會後,你將直接從Zoom收到連接加入講習會。請檢查你的垃圾郵件/垃圾盒,如你無法找到來自Eventbrite或Zoom發出的電郵。 *這個講習會也有以英語(11/3)語西班牙語舉行(11/2)。* 部分資金由美國USDA農業部 SNAP-Ed提供,後者是機會均等的提供者和雇主。 部分資金由美國USDA農業部 SNAP-Ed提供,後者是機會均等的提供者和雇主。


Early Educator Workshop: Mealtime Matters 20220818

A deliciously healthy meal can make all the difference for a child. Learn how to make your mealtimes matter more with Healthy Apple.Join the Healthy Apple Program for a virtual workshop to learn how to ensure a healthy mealtime in your child care program. Topics include:How to build a healthy mealStrategies for picky eatersIncorporating foods […]


Early Educator Workshop: Maintaining Healthy Habits 20220823

Join the Healthy Apple Program to learn how to sustain healthy changes in your child care program and communicate them to parents.Child care educators are invited to join Healthy Apple to learn how to make your healthy changes stick. Topics include:Developing written standards for nutrition and physical activityUpdating your policies due to the COVID-19 pandemicEducating […]


童年教育工作者講習會:餐膳重要 20220826

一頓美味健康的膳食可以讓孩子變得與眾不同。從健康蘋果計劃中學習如何讓您的用餐時間變得更重要。加入健康蘋果計劃的網上模擬講習會,學習如何在你的托兒計劃中有健康的進膳時間。題目包括:如何建立一份健康的餐膳對挑食者的策略結合不同文化的食物為地球的健康而食Funded in part by USDA SNAP-Ed, an equal opportunity provider and employer.
