Staff Spotlight: Maria Matus
Years at Children’s Council:
16 years
How I contribute to the success of Children’s Council:
I oversee and assist our Family Services Specialists who provide support to families with their needs and eligibility requirements. My role involves coaching staff on effective client support methods, addressing inquiries regarding needs and eligibility, ensuring compliance, and conducting support sessions for new team members.
Health Education & Prevention.
Proudest moment:
It was incredibly heartening to receive a call from one of my clients (when I was fresh faced at Children’s Council) expressing their gratitude and acknowledging the pivotal role our support played in their educational journey. They shared that without the child care assistance we provided, they might not have successfully completed their GED. They contemplated pursuing higher education, something they had previously doubted.
What inspires you each day:
The opportunity to empower and support my staff. Seeing them have the confidence in their abilities to carry out their tasks is truly inspiring. Also, being able to share the strategies and experiences that have contributed to my own success, and knowing that I can assist and guide them, is incredibly rewarding.
Favorite thing about working at Children’s Council:
Beyond assisting and supporting our families and providers, what I cherish most is our staff. They are the heart and soul of our organization.
Greatest challenge:
The struggle with time! There always seems to be limited hours of the day.
What you would do with a large donation:
The allocation would depend on the magnitude, but roughly speaking, I would use half of the donation to provide more subsidized child care for families. The other half would be dedicated to establishing a scholarship or grant program. This program would aim to support parents who want to advance their education or facilitate educational opportunities for their children. Particularly, this initiative would target children who have previously received services but are no longer eligible, ensuring a lasting impact on their educational journey.
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