Child Care Advocacy

Children’s Council of San Francisco is committed to advocating with local, state and federal policy-makers on a full range of budget and policy issues related to early care and education.
We believe that all children deserve access to quality early care and education. Together with a broad coalition of community partners, Children’s Council advocates for affordable quality child care and increased, livable wages for early educators.
Children’s Council also sponsors the San Francisco chapter of Parent Voices, a parent-led grassroots organization working to make quality child care affordable and accessible to all families.
Since 2020, COVID-19 has expanded our advocacy work. We are working tirelessly to protect current child care capacity while also expanding to meet the needs of our San Francisco community. Here is a snapshot of our accomplishments since the pandemic.
Sign up for our budget and advocacy email alerts and engage with us on Facebook.
Within the past year we have:
- Worked in coalition to organize 700+ parents, child care educators, providers and advocates turned out at City Hall to urge San Francisco city officials to keep Baby Prop C funding intact during a difficult budget year, saving $120 million in child care funding slated to be redirected to other services over seven years.
- Trained and organized parents who qualified for child care subsidies to tell their stories to Local, State and National policy makers through our Parent Voices San Francisco chapter.
- Worked in partnership with Parent Voices California to win a new equitable family fee schedule that went live on October 1, 2023. Eliminated $100 million/year in fees for families earning at or below 75% of state median income (SMI) and capped fees at 1% for those earning more.
Advocacy Resources
But there is still so much more to do! Join our fight to advocate for an improved early care and education system.
Sign up for our budget and advocacy email alerts and engage with us on Facebook.